The fresh food cooler utilizes a tri-synergy vacuum technical approach to rapidly create a vacuum environment. This allows the water in the food to boil at a low temperature, triggering an endothermic effect, resulting in the food self-cooling within a safe and hygienic environment.
The principle of vacuum cooling relies on the fact that the lower the air pressure, the lower the boiling point of water. Boiling is a heat-absorption process, and as the boiling points decrease, the heat abstraction capacity increases. For instance when the pressure decreases from 101325Pa to 610Pa, the boiling point of water drops from 100℃ to 0℃, while the heat absorption capacity (latent heat of evaporation) increases from 2256kJ/kg to 2500kJ/kg. Based on above principle, an artificial vacuum environment is established to induce the water within the food to boil at a lower temperature, triggering an endothermic effect, thus achieving rapid cooling.
The fresh food cooler employs a tri-synergy system that combines the capabilities of a water-ring pump, a steam jet ejector, and a heat ex-changer, enabling the cooling chamber to achieve the desired vacuum level with minimal energy consumption. Furthermore, the system is equipped with a servo-controlled valve, enabling precise control over air pressure changes. This facilitates intelligent adaptive cooling and intelligent anti-splash functions.
Microorganisms thrive in specific ambient environment, leading to the food spoilage. This temperature range is referred to as “temperature danger zone”, which can negatively impact food preservation. Fresh food cooling greatly reduces the time food spends in the critical temperature zone, inhibiting microorganism growth and extending shelf life of the food.
By utilizing a servo valve to flexibly regulate the vacuum rate and considering pressure and boiling point fluctuations, we tailor the cooling curve for various food types through techniques such as step-down pressure and wavy pressure restoration. This not only enhances production efficiency but also guarantees the quality of the cooling process.